Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ending NaBloPoMo With More Bullet Points

  • Had a wonderful, wonderful time meeting my former boss for lunch/dinner. Her mother's recently been diagnosed with early-onset dementia, on top already having other various ailments, and she desperately needed the time away. She's such a lovely person and I'm very glad that, even though we can go months without being in touch, we have such a good friendship. It was important for both of us to be able to catch up and for her to have a chance to vent about her situation. We definitely need to make time to catch up more frequently than once every 6 months.
  • Someone at Thanksgiving must've been sick. My poor little guy came down with a fever last night and we had our first middle-of-the-night toddler throwing up experience around 1 AM. Now, he seems to be almost back to normal but I'm coming down with something and feel rather cruddy. Ah, well. Such is life.
  • I'll be participating (for the first time) in the Third Annual Cookie Exchange, hosted by Jenn. I'm looking forward to it and now I just need to think of which recipe I want to share. Anyone else want to join? (Lorraine, I'm looking at you...)
  • We had snow today! The first storm of the season always sees people driving like assholes. On my way to meet Annie, the traffic was pretty steady and the snow/freezing rain mix was really picking up and there were some yahoos in SUVs acting as though the driving conditions were ideal. They'll smarten up...hopefully soon. I actually saw a pretty smashed up SUV on my way home.
  • And, now, a new week begins...

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