Sunday, March 15, 2009

So Excited!

Earlier today, Lorraine posted on facebook that she was going to see Thomas the Tank Engine next month so I immediately checked it out to see if tickets were still available.

They are.

We're going and I'm so excited! The coolest part is that it's on Liam and Ella's actual birthday! (And, we ended up getting seats in the row behind Lorraine and her crew, how cool is that?!)

I so hope the kids love it!


Mom of 3 Boys said...

:) we will see you there!!! is j going too?
i was going to skip this and have korey take the kids but since the two other mom friends are going now instead of sending just their husbands, i am going to!

i am going to post pics today of the kids new bedroom and their surprise night guest as well. check it out later. ha

H said...

J is most definitely coming! I'm not insane enough to try and wrangle the kids at something like this by myself (thanks for thinking I could, though!).

Plus, it's their birthday...I wouldn't let him miss it for the world.