Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Uncommon Movie Review

Because we knew J would be working from home today (in light of the weather, natch), we decided to finally watch one of our Netflix picks last night, even though we had to start it late (I didn't get home from the gym after the kids were in bed late...kind of planned it that way).

We watched The Kite Runner which was very good. I enjoyed the book a great deal when I read it years ago, but don't remember how sympathetic I was to Amir at the time. Even though I knew how it all ended, I was pretty bummed out throughout most of the movie and ended up not liking Amir very much. I've always been an emotional/sympathetic person, but find that I take stuff differently since becoming a mother. I can be moved to tears and disbelief in what we as humans can do to one another much more easily than my pre-kid self could (yes, I recognize that it was fiction...but still), and the little boy playing Hassan just about pulled my heart out.

J, on the other hand, who hardly ever pays attention to a movie when it's on, was riveted. (High praise indeed!) His asessment of the film: "so it could have been called Amir grows a pair, eh?"

That pretty much sums it up.

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